Investor Centre


Corporate Governance

Vectus Biosystems Limited (Vectus or the Company) has adopted a formal Corporate Governance Compliance Manual to assist it with compliance with its corporate governance obligations. The Board of Directors continues to review this Manual and the Company’s situation to determine if it remains appropriate and effective in terms of its corporate governance procedures, and is up-to-date in terms of the current recommendations of the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) Corporate Governance Council. This document has been prepared for the Board of Directors following a Corporate Governance meeting on 21 October 2015, and is reviewed and updated by the Corporate Governance Committee and the Board at least once each year.

Vectus complies with the ASX Corporate Governance Council’s Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations (4th Edition). Each year the Company’s Corporate Governance Committee reviews and updates the Corporate Governance Statement to ensure that it is still in agreement with Vectus’ corporate governance framework and ASX’s Principles and Recommendations, and after the Board approves the Statement, it is lodged with ASX and updated on the Company’s website.

Click here to download the Corporate Governance Compliance Manual
Click here to download the latest version of the Corporate Governance Statement

Click here to download the Constitution